Democratizing CPU
Cloud Computing

We're creating a democratized CPU cloud computing network for a private, anonymous, and easily accessible future internet. A future in which internet users, not Big Tech, make the decisions.

As a result, we give blockchain developers and services access to a global pool of computing power. This way, everyone will be able to rent out their spare CPU to power the projects they care about. We place a special emphasis on project CI/CD infrastructure, allowing developers to build without having to rely on Big Tech's infrastructure.

Why join the
Nosana network?

Better for people

We’re here to empower regular people by eliminating Big-Tech middlemen and offering an affordable, reliable solution. Make money by sharing your idle computing resources with us. It’s easy and accessible for anyone – including people with lower incomes.

Better for the planet

The computational needs of our tech-driven world take a heavy toll on our planet. To help alleviate the ecological pressure, Nosana uses what’s already there. We power projects using digital waste material: spare computing resources.

Better availability

We designed Nosana to be decentralized, which means you can always rely on its availability. With an ever-growing network of nodes, we’re confident in our ability to support your projects 24/7.

Simple, safe,
decentralized CI/CD.

Guaranteed transactions

Selling? You always get paid. Buying? You always get what you pay for. Thank our smart contracts, which enforce all cloud computing transactions.

Encrypted for your privacy

Privacy is everything. That’s why our decentralized network is encrypted at several levels. You – and your stuff – are completely anonymous, private and secure.

DevOps community

Open-source, flexible, collaborative. That’s what we focus on as we build our community of developers. After all, development is the driving force behind our network.

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